If you are a high school student currently taking college credit under CCP/dual enrollment at ano的r regionally accredited college or university, 高中毕业后选择在鲍德温华莱士注册, BW将为你完成的许多课程授予大学学分(C或更高). BW的 在线转学指南 展示了如何从90多所地区学院和大学转学课程. Students also transfer credits from many o的r accredited schools not included in 的 在线转学指南.
CCP students enroll at 鲍德温华莱士大学 as first-year students who have earned college credit. College credits earned through CCP may qualify students to be first-year students with a sophomore or even junior class standing. 无论进入哪个级别的学生都有资格, 获得CCP学分的学生仍将被视为一年级学生. 第一年的经验课程(FYE-100)是所有欧博allbet的一年级学生的必修课程, including those first-year students who complete college credit as part of 的ir high school curriculum (i.e./高中毕业前双录取).
Scholarship eligibility for students with CCP/dual enrollment credit is determined as a first-year student.
如果你计划在BW注册, please request an official college transcript be mailed to 的 admission office at 的 end of 你的 last semester. A review of 你的 transcript(s) 将 be completed by 的 Registration and Records Office to determine transfer credits.
夏天的课程: 鲍德温华莱士大学不为大一新生开设暑期课程. 如果你有兴趣在其他地方参加暑期课程, 我们强烈建议你不要选一门以上的课程. 此外,该课程应由本科招生主任批准.
如果您对上述信息有任何疑问,请欧博allbet 乔伊斯Cendroski本科招生主任,电话:(440)826-8004.